- Initial deposit required to open this account: $100.00
- Unlimited check writing
- VISA ATM/Debit card available with credit approval
- Interchange Fee waived on four (4) ATM transactions each statement cycle.
- A Service Charge of $4.00 will be imposed if the balance in the account is less than $500.00 any day of the monthly statement cycle.
- Free Online and Mobile Banking
- Receives a monthly statement with images of cleared checks. Inter@ct eStatements & eNotices are available when enrolled in Online Banking
- Initial deposit required to open this account: $1,000.00
- Unlimited check writing
- VISA ATM / Debit card available with credit approval
- Interchange Fee waived on four (4) ATM transactions each statement cycle.
- A Service Charge of $6.00 will be imposed if the balance in the account is less than $1,000 any day of the monthly statement cycle.
- Free Online and Mobile Banking
- Receives a monthly statement with images of cleared checks. Inter@ct eStatements & eNotices are available when enrolled in Online Banking
- Balances & rates are tiered:
- Tier 1: $20,000 +
- Tier 2: $2,500 - $19,999.99
- Tier 3: $0.01 - $2,499.99
- Initial deposit required to open this account: $2,500.00
- A Service Charge of $6.00 will be imposed if the balance in the account is less than $2,500.00 any day of the monthly statement cycle.
- Excess withdrawal fee of $10.00 for each debit in excess of 6 per monthly statement cycle
- Your account is limited to six (6) pre-authorized debits each monthly statement cycle. Pre-authorized debits include transfers authorized by telephone, transfers and payments authorized by agreement, and checks made payable to third parties.
- Interchange Fee waived on four (4) ATM transactions in each statement cycle.
- Free Online and Mobile Banking
- Receives a monthly statement with images of cleared checks. Inter@ct eStatements & eNotices are available when enrolled in Online Banking
- Balances & rates are tiered:
- Tier 1: $50,000 +
- Tier 2: $15,000 - $49,999.99
- Tier 3: $2,500.00 - $14,999.99
- Tier 4: $0.01 - $2,499.99
- Initial deposit required to open this account: $50.00
- A Service Charge of $2.00 will be imposed if the balance in the account is less than $50.00 any day of the monthly statement cycle.
- Excess withdrawal fee of $1.00 for each debit in excess of six (6) per calendar month
- Your account is limited to six (6) pre-authorized debits each calendar month (the calendar month will be considered to end on the last business day of the month). Pre-authorized debits include transfers authorized by telephone and both transfers and payments authorized in advance by agreement.
- Free Online and Mobile Banking
- Receives a monthly statement with images of cleared checks. Inter@ct eStatements & eNotices are available when enrolled in Online Banking
- Upon request this account is available without a minimum deposit or service charge for minors age 18 and under.
- Acknowledge that you are:
- A U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien
- At least 18 years old
- A signer authorized to open accounts on behalf of the business
- The Controlling Manager for this business
- You will also need to have:
- Legal Documents for the business
- Personal information for any Beneficial Owners and/or additional account signers
- A Government issued ID and a second ID with a signature for all authorized signers